Back to Campus!

What would’ve been a busy back to school season for international students in an ideal situation has now undergone a paradigm shift with the COVID-19 pandemic changing the way the world operates. That being said, getting back to school is still a gratifying and exciting experience and all the more in these testing times, for, it gives us a semblance of our old lives pre-COVID-19.

With norms changing and precaution taking utmost priority, here are a few hacks for you to stay safe as you adapt to the new normal lifestyle abroad.

  • Liaise with your course supervisor: Before you leave, liaise with your course supervisor to understand and assess the situation there. Additionally, it is essential for you to clarify the accommodation and part-time employment norms there in case you are looking to sustain yourself financially.
  • Bubble flights and Travel Insurance: Bubble flights are the only mode of transportation available right now and flying in a bubble will mean taking adequate precautions before flying – face mask, face shields, and regular sanitation. Be mentally prepared to sit through a 24-hour flight in a PPE kit, for you are contributing towards the greater good. It is also essential that you choose travel insurance as you book your tickets, for bubble flights can be cancelled at any point of time in case there’s a change in the government’s policy. It is important to secure your expenditure. Wall Street Forex provides comprehensive travel insurance for international students along with foreign exchange and outward remittance facility.
  • The Panchatantras of Prevention: Follow the panchatantras of prevention no matter where you are –
  • Wear a face mask always.
  • Avoid large gatherings where physical distancing is not possible.
  • Ensure a physical distance of at least 6ft from anybody.
  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water frequently.
  • As much as possible avoid touching surfaces and if you do, refrain from touching your face.

These panchatantras are tenets to live by during such testing times.

  1. Go digital: Actively seek contactless experiences. Be it remittance for education abroad or your forex, go digital. With Wall Street Forex’s host of digital solutions such as the WSFx Smart Fx App and the WSFx Smart Currency Card, one can travel smartly and safely across the globe.
  2. First aid and emergency kits, non-negotiable: In such uncertain times, it is essential to have a fully stocked first aid and emergency kit with essential medicines – paracetamol, analgesics, antihistamines for allergies, bandages and antiseptic solutions. Given that most hospitals are COVID-19 hotspots, it is essential to be able to take care of oneself for minor injuries/ailments. It is also important to self-isolate when you begin to feel symptoms of the flu or covid-19 and test if needed.
  3. Enjoy responsibly: University life is about creating memories and enjoying yourself, however, until a vaccine is fully developed, taking care of yourself takes precedence over everything else. Enjoy responsibly by creating memories with a close group of people, by not exposing yourself to a large gathering too often, isolating yourself when you feel ill, and by embracing healthy choices to boost your immunity.
  4. Adapt to a hybrid lifestyle: With COVID-19 still in sight, it is unlikely that all classes and courses will shift to an in-class model immediately, all at once. You might be mandated to take a few classes virtually while attending a few courses in-class. You need to adapt to this hybrid lifestyle, for education could entirely become hybrid in the near future.
  5. Maintaining mental health: Understand and practice certain ways of keeping your mind clutter-free as you deal with the anxiety of education, staying away from family, and dealing with your expenses among other things. Yoga, meditation, opening up to your loved ones and staying connected with your family virtually could help. It is also advisable to have the contact of the university’s mental health counsellor handy, in case you need to reach out to a therapist to ensure mental wellbeing.

Campus life is gratifying. It is filled with adventures, lessons and experiences and the new normal is just another challenge for you to overcome!

Here’s wishing you the best of luck as you go back to school. You can always trust Wall Street Forex to help you through your semester fee payments, with a dedicated section of university fee payments that help paying your university fees online as easy as ordering a pizza.

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